Monday 23 September 2019

Miscellaneous - My reference  blogs coming later...

- 1vpc(virtual private cloud) has  1vgw(virtual gateway). 1 vpn has 1 cgw(customer gateway - logical aws entity associated with customer premises equipment router)
- 1 vgw  and 1 cgw can have n vpn
- well architect framework - Performance efficiency(scaling resources when there is more demand and scaling down when demand is less automatically), Reliability(multi az),Operational Excellence(system manager single place to maintain entire infrastructure, cloudwatch for performance monitoring),Cost Optimization(pay as you use model, big discounts for reserved instances, serverless application model help developer to run code without provisioning any instance thus saving cost and time),Security(comply with pci dss, hippa, iso27001. Inspector for performing security checks for CVE, Cloudtrail and config(non-repudiation, masie based on AI able to find Personal Identity information PII in S3)
- Authorization(IAM),  Authentication(IAM), Accounting(Trusted Advisor)
- Confidentiality(IAM, encryption KMS/ cloudHSM), Integrity, Availability(AZ)
- RDS Commercial Oracle and SQl Server, open source MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS Native Aurora DB based on MySQL and PostgresSQL.
- RAM Resource Access Manager sharing of resources by using sharable subnet.  No need of vpc peering.
- Cloud development kit from aws provides framework for developer to perform resource provisioning using programing languages supported by CDK java, nodejs ruby etc. yaml - cloudformation 

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